Quick Sauerkraut Soup (Zelňačka)

1¼ cups sauerkraut

2 tbsp lard (or oil)

little flour

little sugar

salt and peper

bay leaf

dry mushrooms

1 cup buttermilk (optional)

2 potatoes (optional)

1½ cups sausage/ klobasa (chopped)


Make roux by heating lard with flour. Sauté until flour has golden color. Add water, herbs, sauerkraut, mushrooms, salt and cook until sauerkraut is cooked.


If you like potatoes in the soup, boil several peeled, diced potatoes in a separate pot. Once the potatoes are soft, add them to the soup mix.


At the end add buttermilk, salt and sugar to adjust the taste. Finally add the sausage, heat through, and just like that you have great soup!


Mňam! Mňam!